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nha hang viet london



Contact Sarah 07445229502
Please mentions VietHome when contact us.


Hi, we are a newly opened Salon in London ( Brixton Central) excellent location on a high street. We are looking for 3 professional technicians looking for space we have renovated the salon and already have installed built-in cupboards for the nail polish and products and recently bought the pedicures tables chairs messager etc... all brand new. The place has a nice modern design with a classic theme. We are flexible in negotiating price or rental please call us ASAP so you don't miss the opportunity. In addition, if the technician already has items such as tables and chairs we don't mind installing them we are happy to accommodate the technician's preferences and needs.

Advert details

Advert ID: 84672
Displayed: 468
Added: 17-12-2023 14:22:15
In categories: Nails / Tìm Thợ