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nha hang viet london


shop in folkestone tanning and beauty for sale

Phone 07367181003
Nhắc Tới VietHome khi liên hệ với tôi nhé

Nội Dung

lovely tanning and beauty shop 2 floors , in the heart of flokestone seaside.
currently has 5 sunbed cost over 10 thousand each. 5 treatment room all rented out to beautician.
ideally can turn in to a nail shop on the ground floor and move the sunbed all
to the basement. landlord can provide a new lease. rent is 13k per year and there is no business rate! first will view will buy. quick sale £30-40k depends on the outcome paying off the remaining of the finance sunbeds

Advert details

Advert ID: 84951
Displayed: 615
Added: 24-02-2024 09:37:29
In categories: Nails / Tìm Thợ