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nha hang viet london


Nail & beauty salon for sale or for rent

Phone 07553898025
Nhắc Tới VietHome khi liên hệ với tôi nhé

Nội Dung

Beauty &nail salon for sale or rent , ground floor size about 58square meters .basement size is approximately 55 square meters , located in nice rich areas West London zone 3.Chiswick high road .no competition around, very good opportunity for nail business, need very qualified and experienced ,good character person to join ,can be business partner for rent ground floor only ,or can rent whole shop.
Another small shop for rent only , about 51 square meters at same area.
If interested please contact me for all of time waste please.07553898025

Advert details

Advert ID: 84904
Displayed: 683
Added: 10-02-2024 22:00:09
In categories: Nails / Tìm Thợ